Installation can be very confusing for inexperiacnced players. I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. If you have problems, e-mail me and I'll take you through it. 1. Be sure to back everything up. Duplicate Marathon App. the shapes and the sounds. Put them somewhere safe. I prefer to keep a seperate 'original' folder. 2. Open 'Enter the Marines' Indicate the new shape file, it should only take a few seconds. 3. Open the sounds and indicate the new sounds. You can play the sounds before you install them if you want. 4. Rename all the new stuff as they appeared originally. Ie; Shapes, Map. Shapes copy will not work. 5. Place the Physics Model in the folder. Place the Map in there too. 6. Open up Resedit and copy the resources into the new Marathon app. and shapesThere are two seperate recources. The shape one and a Marathon one, which goes in the app. 7. I sugest you increase your MaraMemory, it helps it all run smother. 8.Fire up 'thon, and start killing!